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Mini Peace Mandala Framed Print

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Mini Peace Mandala Framed Print
Feng Shui Mandalas - Peace
This mandala was created to represent Peace. It was created from a photograph the artist took when Desmond Tutu visited James Madison University and gave an inspiring speech which represented Peace to the artist. Place in any section in your home where you want to create peace.
Place this mandala in any section of your home to promote peace. For example, if you would like to have more peaceful interactions with your family, you might place this mandala in the middle left area of your home, with represents family saying to yourself, "I am so grateful for the peace that permeates all my relationships" Feel it. and every time you see this mandala remind yourself how peaceful feel.
Just remember to place it with intention. Enjoy!
Mini mandalas measure 2 1/2 by 3 inches. So they are small enough to put almost anywhere or to carry with you. Shipping is included in the price .